It was not like i didn't do anything yesterday. Ironically yesterday was the best from the day i began this blog. I learned too much about stocks. I got a basic knowledge on how stock exchange procedure works and to whom should i approach to get the ball rolling. It is getting interesting day by day. And I've spent quite a time with my guitar too. Finally i can see myself improving with my skills, even though I've nil skill. But a steady slow growth is better than none at all. Anyway, this was all about yesterday. I was too lazy yesterday at night to pick up the laptop and type it all down.

And for Today, there wasn't much happening today. Yet few great events happened. I got to know that bhai will be leaving for Bangalore in a few days. It kinda felt sad that he'll going back after there was plan for him to stay for few months more. But, what to do. Sometimes we have to accept something we didn't wish for or want to. That's life. The faster we accept the happier we are, and the faster we're back on the track of life ready for a new challenge next day. He taught me a valuable lesson yesterday, the ability to take decision fast in order to save time and hence from misery. To take fast decisions one has to be mentally stable and calm. And event which happened today was i confessed again something. And yet again we do get always we wish, but we must learn to respect everyone's decision and choices. All the best to me for tomorrow!!


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