Yeah!! i did not feel like writing for day 3 and 4. It was not because i felt lazy, but because i didn't do anything that day worth mentioning. OR in other words i did nothing on those two days. But today i picked up my guitar after months. I almost forgot all the lessons i learned so far and i regretted not practising all these days. It also gave me the charm and excitement back which i had when i first saw guitar. This time i am motivated to continue my guitar training. I promise to reduce my mobile use drastically and give the valuable time to some sort of exercise or online lecture. And i also decided to start learning about stock market from strach and gain as much knowledge to have courage to invest in stocks. So, for today all i did was pick up my guitar and have 4-5 beginner lessons and start the "Basics of Stock Marketing" by CA Rachna Ranage.


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